Welcome to
Bramley Sunnyside
Junior School

Respect  Responsibility - Resilience


Year 4 and 6 have the opportunity to go on two residentials.


Working together to make good choices


Not being afraid to work through challenges, even when you're finding something difficult


Respectful in victory and defeat


Any opportunity to read – Book-nic with our families


Here at Bramley Sunnyside Junior School we have a strong vision; where children believe that they can achieve the very best and are beginning to understand that today’s learning will support them in the future. 

All staff and stakeholders have ownership of our school vision and values:

respect, responsibility and resilience.

Children are at the heart of everything that we do. 

As a school, we acknowledge each child’s unique value, recognising their needs and nurturing their talents to the full.  We endeavour for everyone to reach their full potential as successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens.

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Find Out About Our Curriculum for Excellence

Respect – Responsibility – Resilience

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Head Teacher's Welcome

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