
We were immensely proud that Ofsted confirmed that we continue to be a good school...now the journey is on to become outstanding!

'Bramley Sunnyside Junior School continues to be a good school...where...pupils enjoy school. This is reflected in above
average attendance rates. Most pupils work hard...and...at best they are deeply engaged in their learning.

Pupils feel safe. They learn how to stay safe. Pupils trust staff to help them if they are worried. Bullying is not common.

Pupils enjoy a broad and balanced curriculum. The art and design curriculum is particularly well developed. Pupils high quality artwork adorns the corridors. Pupils also achieve well in mathematics. Pupils have many opportunities to join in with the motivating extra activities they request. Activities such as street dance, mindfulness, floristry , sewing and performing arts broaden and deepen pupils knowledge and skills. Staff work hard to fully involve all pupils. This includes disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

The large majority of parents and carers who completed Ofsted s Parent View survey praised the school highly.

Please click on the image below to access our most recent Ofsted report.